Risk Assessment Policy

Brondesbury Sports Club will carry out a full annual risk assessment of the facility with a view of highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment.

Marina Lavarello (Head Coach) is responsible for reporting to the committee/management team on such issues.

If a member/user wished to report a hazard or potential hazard, they should do one of the following:

Call: Marina on 07540851843
Email: marina@brondesburycoaching.co.uk

Any issues are raised in a management committee meeting and the appropriate action taken; all details will be listed in the minutes.

The risk assessment includes the following areas:

  • Is the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles?
  • Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
  • Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability?
  • Is the performers register up-to-date with medical information and contact details?
  • Are performers appropriately attired for the activity?
  • Can emergency vehicles access facilities?
  • Is there a working telephone available with access to emergency numbers?
  • Are emergency access points checked and operational?
  • Are evacuation procedures published and posted somewhere for all to see?
  • Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to   information relating to health and safety?
  • Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions at the venue?


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